I got to design this for Pink! I hope they treat her good....

I got to design this for Pink! I hope they treat her good....
I drew this while on holiday this year. The summer heat and the vacation experience reminded me of many summers and chance encounters, and how many just slipped away. This is about that. And hopefully it helps ensure someone doesn’t repeat my mistakes. Ruah means breath, wind, and the spirit of life. The breath that…...
Guest post by Golriz Green, lead Thaumazoologist at the Uni De Magica. Gelins are a swamp dwelling race of goblins located within the southern reaches of the Furn woods. There are several tribes within reach of De Magica, although they keep to themselves and students and explorers to the woods are instructed not to encroach…...
So I’m going to start collecting unused sketches into a big pile and offer them as discounted pieces exclusively to backers. If you’re seeing this in a preview image on the discord post consider it open season on the pic you can see also. All pics are $40 per character for backers. Obviously we can…...
Constellation lives and studies at the Magical Academy ‘Uni De Magica’ just east of the Furn Woods.Fortunately for her the Magical Academy is liberal in its views regarding magic and sexuality, and actually endorse her research into the subject. This means on any given day you won’t be sure what her transformation magic has put…...
When I have all the time in the world this will be a comic, If you want to vote for it as a backer request I’ll do a page each month it wins....
Misandra is a teacher at the Uni De Magica, and is also an alumni of the school. She’s friendly and kind and does her best to accomodate new students as much as she can. However when it comes to third years she marks them brutally, as the only thing worse than a bad alchemist is…...
Doa is the best friend and roommate of Constellation at the Uni De Magica. She’s often the labrat and partner for Constellation’s experiments, which means she’s often the first to get a new appendage. This isn’t something she particularly appreciates, but has grown to accept, as it means she gets to be closer to Constellation.…...
This is a set of OC’s I got to create with @BIronheart. They gave me complete control to come up with whatever I liked. So, I guess this is what I like. Meet Aeris, named by Champ after hitting up the discord channel. I haven’t landed on a name for the femboy yet. The latest…...
This character was created by Shirenafterdark as part of the IzzyBsides Uni De Magica universe. Born as a futanari, and raised to think it’s shameful, Selene De Voyd resents what Constellation is doing and bears not only malice but a bit of disgust (and envy, but she’ll never admit it). And when Constellation invented Izzy…...
While it might surprise some to know that Central City has a defence force, let alone a mothballed aggressive attack force, it shouldn’t be considering the cautious approach humans took when first discovering how dangerous the Furn Woods could be. Prior to the elves erecting the protective circle around the city humans commanded mechs into…...
Izzy Is working at Champy’s bar! Whatever will happen next?? Hmmmmm. Expect great things 😉...
Constellation dragged in a new random OC. She’s an Uber driver by day, and at night has to do camgirl gigs to make ends meet. She’s terminally tired and overworked, and a bit chubby. But if you work at her long enough her libido turns right on. I haven’t got a name for her yet.…...
Commission for Calico_Silver92 for their OC Morgan, BBC owned fully tatted up. Just for my supports I’ve also added a futa alt and non-tattoo versions which were outside the scope of the original com. Looks like backers also get bonuses for comissioners as well! Lol. I’ve also added a com we just did together with…...
The Makai series is primarily pinups and random straight OCs for a commissioner. The latest is a hybrid version of Roxanne from the Goofy Movie! <3...
Holy Ona! She’s cute! Another random OC I decided to draw. She’s ready to breed!...
New OC, mermaid mermonster thingy. I like her, might never draw her ever again lol. She’s quite a catch though! But watch out, she’ll bite your dick off if you give her the chance....
I hate the idea of losing all this great art people make, there’s more I’m missing already I’m sure. Art by @MrmannIII: https://twitter.com/MrMannIII/status/1512558839232614401 art by @RACCOONSERVER: https://twitter.com/RaccoonServer/status/1190576049765007360 Art by @oilblkrum https://twitter.com/oilblkrum/status/1718027628739735775 commissioned by Ashym! <3 ...
Now with extra long horsecock for backers! Commissioned piece for Bironheart...
Kazuma from KonoSuba Vs. Revy from black lagoon. This was a backer request! The dick edit was… I don’t know if it was a backer request, but someone asked on twitter so I made it happen, but only for you guys. lol...
Ok I Don’t know if I’ve ever made this post before, but here it is. All My IzzyB lewds so far in one place. along with all the promo screenshots I’ve done with the character. The Actual lore behind this model is that it’s a robot shell powered by my flame spirit girl. Hence the…...
Commissioned piece of a brand new OC I got to design for Jessica The Triple Dick Futa. She’s cute!...
A commissioned piece using a bunch of brand new OC’s made just for this piece. The lizard girl is actually the kind that run the globe through the illuminati. They induct new members into their race by inseminating them via tongue ovipositors. These eggs hatch into micro parasites that irreversibly alter the hosts DNA, converting…...
Q-Bee from Darkstalkers and Juri Han, combined backer request!...
Another new OC design I got to do for Amethyst. Very THICCCCCC. Also she works at Sploogers! I love that place, Lovesack did gods work inventing that place. Yum yum. You can check out more sploogers pieces here and here....
Here’s an OC I got to help design, an Imp from Hazbin Hotel. Hopefully we see more of her in the future! Com for D10....
I said at the beginning of the month that I didn’t do Ranni last time, but I totally had! I just never posted her here! So here she is plus a new one this month. Futa alt just for you guys!...
Commissioned piece for anon of their OC. The ghost possession was done back in 2021 I believe, while the bimbofication is brand new! ...
A catgirl design I got to refine for Braveashes. There was already a previous version of her I had to work off clothed, so the nude and lewd versions are entirely of our devising. Personally I like how much hair she has without her hood on....
Here’s a colour sketch commission I got to do for @SomeHentaiPage1! It’s two twins called Tay & Ty. I was lucky enough to help bring their designs to life. I apologise for the weird order in the galleries at the moment. An update pushed on the backend has temporarily broken me being able to reorder…...
Here’s a massive commission set I have coming through the pipeline right now. There’s an unused sketch in there as well as cum and non-cum alts. OC belongs to @rhaenysbronze....
here’s an OC I got to design for Bubble_burning. For you guys I added tits because I know you’re into those lol. The actual canon version is more of a cute femboy. ...
Kitty is one of the newer teachers at the Uni De Magica specialising in Empathology which concerns itself with the strength of the mind and it’s ability to manipulate things in the outer world. Academically Kitty is notable for being only the third teacher employed for the role of empathology. Her years as a student…...
Dacoda The red dragon lives within The Keepsaké mountains overlooking the Furn forest and magical academy. As is common for red Dragons Dacoda is imbued with a terrible temper most of the time. However a solid internet connection and a steady stream of visitors from the university to his cave keeps him placated. Red Dragon…...
Jade is a typical Goblin redhead. People who come across her in the Furn Woods often wonder how her libedo fits inside her tiny body. She’s a curious character who spends most of her time nosing her way into things that aren’t her business, and if they’re willing, onto their dicks. She’s been known to…...
Marko, while having a nice ass and hips, is a complete mans man. The only reason he goes to the gym is to pick people up and take photos of himself.His muscular body is mostly due to his dragon heritage and clean eating. Apart from his yellow markings his defining feature is the six ridges…...
Hylone is the sworn protector and Keeper of the Glade. The Glade is part of the Furn Woods, and Hylone was gifted the glade by her elder sister, The Queen of the Woods.Furn Elves are unusual to regular elves of the world, due to their massive horse cocks. No male Furn Elves have been spotted…...
Mewkitty is as much a playboy as he is a playmate. He owns a penthouse apartment in a ritzy part of the central city. Don’t ask how he gets his money, because he won’t tell you. Although a shy blush, an expensive webcam, and multiple toys and outfits might be enough of a clue that…...
Mint is typically a chubby blue lop eared rabbit with large breasts and purple eyes. She’s a dancer by trade but seems to spend more time in the nude than doing anything else.She’s proud of her curves and has been known to overindulge at times. Although she’d rather be getting eaten out than be eating....